Download the Alphachart, the Printing Model, The Alphadeck, and Lessons 1 thru 5 from The American Reading Handbook for FREE!
REVIEW Remind the student that a , e , i , o , u are called vowels
and all other letters are called consonants.
❖ Explain to the student that he can now practice putting together the
sounds he has learned to form words.
❖ Sound out several words on the list aloud very slowly, letter sound by
letter sound so that he can hear how it is to be done.
❖ Read each word three or four times, gradually increasing your
reading speed, so that the student can hear how the letters blend
together. Continue to read fairly slowly, however. Have the student
repeat after you, pointing to each letter as he says the sound aloud.
READ After the student begins to get the hang of blending the
individual letter sounds, have him sound out all the words in the list
aloud and at his own pace. Take your time with this basic skill!
c a t
s a t
m a n
f a n
h a d
s a d
r e d
b e d
m e n
h e n
j e t
p e t
b i t
h i t
s i p
l o g
d o g
m o p
t o p
b o x
f o x
f u n
g u n
m u d
b u d
❖ Say one of the list words aloud, and then print it. Have the
Student repeat after you. Do this with several more words,
having the student repeat each time.
❖ Next, dictate the words to the student and have him try to
print them. Go through the entire list.
Dog on log,
Can it fit?
Dog on log,
Can it sit?
Fox in box,
Can it nap?
Fox in box,
Can it tap?
Bug in rug,
Can it hop?
Bug in rug,
Pop, pip, pop.
Download the Alphachart, the Printing Model, The Alphadeck, and Lessons 1 thru 5 from The American Reading Handbook for FREE!
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