Download the Alphachart, the Printing Model, The Alphadeck, and Lessons 1 thru 5 from The American Reading Handbook for FREE!

❖ Explain that so far, only one sound for each vowel has been
presented. These are called short vowels. Now, new sounds for each
vowel, called long vowel sounds will be learned. Long vowels are
easy to remember because they simply say their name. For example,
in hope, the letter o says the long sound.
❖ The Magic E Rule helps in remembering when to say the long
vowel sound. The Magic E Rule says:

The first vowel is long and the e is silent

❖ Read several of the list words aloud to the student, and remind
him of the Magic E Rule as you go.
❖ Have the student read all of the list words aloud. Gently correct
any mispronunciations. Remember, the e is silent.

m a k e
l a m e
n a m e
g a t e
b r a k e
s h a d e

b l a d e
l i k e
m i l e
b i t e
c h i m e

g l i d e
h o p e
b o n e
j o k e
n o t e

b r o k e
s t o n e
c o n e
t u n e
m u l e

f u m e
f l u t e
t u n e
m i l e
t u b e

t i m e
J u n e
t w i n e
f l a k e
l a n e
c a n e

PRINT Have the student print all the list words from your dictation.
 REVIEW quack quick quit quest squint squish squash

❖ Read several of the list words aloud to the student, and remind
him of the Magic E Rule as you go.
❖ Have the student read all of the list words aloud. Gently correct
any mispronunciations. Remember, the e is silent.

I go to the lake,
I dine in the shade.
I gaze at the grass,
Then, bite on a blade
I pick up a stone —

Download the Alphachart, the Printing Model, The Alphadeck, and Lessons 1 thru 5 from The American Reading Handbook for FREE!